Lime Infused Watermelon Cubes with Minted Feta

Guilty pleasure confession: I love to sit with an entire, chilled watermelon half on my lap and chow.  Give me a spoon and 15 minutes and there will be nothing but rind and one happy soul left over.  However, that’s when I’m alone, without a witness, as it looks like I am about 7 months […]

Cava Sangria with Brandied Fruit and Garden Mint…Let’s call it SUMMER!

Cava Sangria with Brandied Fruit and Garden Mint

If this drink could talk it would say, “I has hoping you would swing by!”  This is a toast to AJ and some of our most fun times together, laughing and making plans for our future over Cava Sangria at Pipa in NYC.  While I tried to weasel the exact recipe from the bartender without […]