Panko Crusted Sicilian Olives with Herbed Goat Cheese

Hot olives, creamy goat cheese and a crisp panko crust?  Yes, I’m in love.  Go beyond the cheese board and crudite- think hot, toasty amuse bouche and give your guests an extra bite that says you were expecting them.   We all know the kitchen (no matter the size) is the favorite hang out in […]

Turkey Sage Meatballs with Cranberry Glaze

This app is a shout out to the Queen Bird and her favorite Berry.  As AJ and I will be heading down to Connecticut to celebrate with the in-laws this year, we wanted to have a little get-together with some friends up in Boston.  Pavlov got it right…there is something about the flavors of the […]

Lime Infused Watermelon Cubes with Minted Feta

Guilty pleasure confession: I love to sit with an entire, chilled watermelon half on my lap and chow.  Give me a spoon and 15 minutes and there will be nothing but rind and one happy soul left over.  However, that’s when I’m alone, without a witness, as it looks like I am about 7 months […]